

Death Metal aus Hamburg, seit 2014


Label: keins


Cryptobiosis is a Hamburg (Germany) based Death Metal band originally formed in 2014 inspired by old school Death, Thrash and Black Metal. Over the last 3 years the line-up was completed and the debut album slowly manifested as the band grew tighter together. “Temple Of Sloth” was released on 11th July 2017 exclusively as cassette edition (100 copies) featuring a mixture of Death and Thrash Metal. Later in November 2017, the live-album “Worship Of The Baphograde - Live at the Bambi Galore” was released as free download version.
The second "Juggernaut" album is ready for release in May 2019. It outlines the present development of the band ranging from high-speed Thrash to mid-tempo Death to monotonous 90ies Black Metal including guest performances from Kevin Paradis on drums (Benighted) and (...) Mehr anzeigen befriended musicians from around the globe.
Cryptobiosis is a fully autonomous band running everything self-determined from recording to artwork. However, a label deal is targeted for future promotion.
The band is eager to perform live rituals to spread their disease across the lands.
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Peter Wood



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