
Tommy Brownson

Sängerin, Background-Sängerin, Gitarristin, Schlagzeugerin, Percussionistin, Songwriterin, Komponistin, Bandleaderin aus Berlin
Sängerin, Background-Sängerin, Gitarristin, Schlagzeugerin, Percussionistin, Songwriterin, Komponistin, Bandleaderin bei Thomas Jay Brownson


Like all of us, I draw in influence from all around me! As a songwriter and bandleader, my biggest influences and inspirations are Jarle Bernhoft, Theo Katzman, Jose James, etc. So in a soulful (or 'neo-soulful') vein, but with pop catchiness and jazz sensibility. As an instrumentalist I have a background most strongly in Jazz and Funk, but I've played gigs in a wide variety of genres including: Pop, Country, Hip-Hop, Rock, Rockabilly, Blues, and others.


Thomas Jay Brownson

Pop catchiness standing on the shoulders of soul and jazz tradition aus Berlin


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