Christian Grond - like rotting corpse

Christian Grond - like rotting corpse

Release von Tales of Void / CATWEAZLE

: 2022
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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Dear friends, we live in stark times in which an epic conflict is looming between states that respect human rights and those that abhor them. And in the background, the apocalyptic scenario of climate change continues to threaten. What can we do? Get up and fight, of course, until the Putins of this world and all the other authoritarian misanthropes lie defeated on the ground.

veröffentlicht am 22. Oktober 2022

Many thanks to my brother Matthias (Mithos Moon), to Philip, Thomas, Silke, Fiona, Sean and Penny, you love and support gives strength and inspiration to me.
