TIBURSKY "Not Quite Bohemian"

TIBURSKY "Not Quite Bohemian"

Release von TIBURSKY

: 2009
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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„NOT QUITE BOHEMIAN“ Kitchen Records 2009
As though from the middle of nowhere, there appears this beautifully melancholic allbum bursting with power and passion. From a distance, terms such as Indie, Alternative or Rock could be cited. But who is this Tibursky, who has, give or take a few exceptions, recorded and sung on the entire album singlehandedly?
No-one knows for sure. The only thing that’s certain is that radio BBC expressed their interest to air the album even before its release in 2009. Big stages and media hype would seem to follow from that; Tibursky however, say Kitchen Records, remains modest and relaxed, merely planning, if at all, a small tour at the end of the year. No band, just the audience, a piano and that voice, rich and dark as molasses. So go and find out for yourselves.
