
Up in arms

Metal aus Dortmund, seit 2006


In the year 2003, five strangers found themselves walking the same path. They chose to call themselves "E.B.S". Phil, Makkus, David, Micha and Thomas were the first unscared Warriors of this foundation. The shows played were their battlefield, and they did have a lot of battles. But like in any path towards a common goal, some of the unholy comrades chose to go their own road. So Phil and David left the rest, but these went on heavier, darker and harder. And thus, for the first time, they stand together up in arms. Amongst all the warrior of this everlasing battlefield, you can see five of them still standing up in arms: Michael Peters with his hellhammers, Armando causing the earthquakes, Hannes and his guitar thrilling shockwaves and Thomas (Al Sahmut) in charge of the lethat guitar-bata (...) Mehr anzeigenllion. But no one can face death metal without shouting and growling, and there was no better growler for us tha Katha. See you in the battlefild, and hope you will be also standing UP IN ARMS! Thx a lot to Turek (ex vocals), Kai Fischer (ex vocals), Kaiman (ex vocals), Phil (ex vocals), Makkus (ex bass), Daniel (ex bass) and last but not least David (ex guitar). It was a fuckin' nice time with all of you unholy bastards!

Weitere Infos: myspace.com/666upinarms Weniger anzeigen


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