

Post-Hardcore aus Berlin, seit 2017



Shaped by the attitude of modern Punk and Post-Hardcore bands such as RISE AGAINST and WHILE SHE SLEEPS, Berlin-based band MRS GOAT takes a highly critical stance towards modern society and vehemently protests against its inherent hypocrisy.
After releasing their self-titled debut in 2018, they have taken giant leaps. Headlining Rocktreff Open Air in 2019, they convinced a crowd of over thousand people followed up by huge support of the local Berlin scence through reviews and interviews.
In early 2020, their new EP is going to purvey a powerful message of hope wrapped inside a huge “fuck you” against the system - a protest song for those who felt at odds already and a wake-up call for those who didn’t. Working with Dailyhero Recording (EMIL BULLS, ITCHY etc.) they have tailored a suitable (...) Mehr anzeigensound to accompany this message, rugged and angry, yet at the same time defined and transparent. Weniger anzeigen


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