

Space-Electro, Lounge, Chillout, Experimental, Sonstiges aus Graz, seit 1991


After the first steps in creating electronic music with the C64 and the Amiga500 there was the beginning of intensifying electronic music so properly by the acquisition of a synthesizer-workstation in the early of 90th. The main focus of the creative working was 'Synthi Punk', a mixture of electronic, punk and guitar music with accentuation on electronic, but onto instrumental level (Fragment). Only during the last years the laptop with its audio-visual possibilities was discovered and enhanced by software synthesizer, samples, sequencer, audioeffects, mastering and so on. Now it's a try to strike a new trendy path in an electronic style, called 'Space-Electro' (Homogenic)...

  1. Icelandic Kommentar
  2. Reminder (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  3. Homogenic (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  4. Insomnia (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  5. Abstraction (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  6. Despina (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  7. Cosmopolitan (Homogenic, 2007)Kommentar
  8. Retrospective (Fragment, 2002)Kommentar

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