The Bonzo Session

The Bonzo Session

Release von Cellz

: 15.10.2021
Produktion: Brokenbell Studios
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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Beginning of 2021 Yogotatara invited us to gather for the opening session of Marc König’s new studio in eastern Berlin. After 2020 was dominated by long and lonely lockdowns, the hunger for an adventure was huge. We took the train to Berlin, helped Marc move all his gear to the new booth and started recording. Three songs evolved into an EP called The Bonzo Session. It’s an Alternative-Hip-Hop and Gospel joint released independently by Cellz. We captured laughing-, chatting- and cheering noise to enhance the sound with some live session vibes. Lyrically the EP reflects on humanity’s current course of destruction of our natural habitat and war. It’s a call for action. “Stop waiting for a miracle!”, “I’m asking you to love me (...) don’t shoot a man to pay your Bill”. Black Pepper, LEN! and Ɔsono, three insanely gifted musicians from Munich who are in their early stages of their solo careers, collaborated as further primary artists. Violist Ruth Mogrovejo who lives in Berlin joined the session and co-composed Miracle!?. Black Pepper and Ruth played in the Venezuelan state orchestra since they where teenagers up until they emigrated to Germany. Cutting-edge jazz percussionist Simon Popp collaborated as session drummer.
