Crazy Seals

Crazy Seals

Release von Gerry Verano

: 05.07.2019
Produktion: DIY
Label: Digital Room Records

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Gerry Verano returns back with an amazing Deep House Song called 'Crazy Seals'. Everybody knows the Sound of 'the Seal' in the Dating App LOVOO. The Idea of this Song came in a conversation in Lovoo with Volane Art and their Community. Gerry decided as joke: 'Ok, let's do a song about the seal'. And from this joke it became real. Gerry produced this song and it's dedicated to Volane Art. Volane Art is a group of artists, which do Graffiti & Pictures and they are really cool. Based in Frankfurt, Germany, the community is always getting bigger and bigger and you can watch them LIVE in Lovoo or watch their Stories in Instagram how they are painting incredible pictures. And in the background you can hear amazing Housemusic. And this combination makes everything magic. Crazy Seals itself has a groovy deep tropical Beat and amazing rhythms and the Bassline is also groovy. The melodies give you a touch of Summer-freshness and the tropical Drums give you the feeling to be on the Beach. When you are listen to it, you make a journey to a tropical island with atmospheric melodies and groovy Deep House Beats.
