Black Island EP

Black Island EP

Release von HEDRA

: 01.01.2021
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

  1. whitewallsofagony.mp3 (Black Island EP, )Kommentar

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The concept of slowly losing the grip on reality and life when stranded on a Black Island are at the heart of the EP. Heavy riffs are contrasted with calm atmospheres and epic arrangements.

The track „F.“ is played by our dear friend Marco Förster, whom we lost in May of 2020. Coping with this loss is another tenet for the lyrics of the EP.

We make music that represents our personalities.

Our motivation is the love for creating music to inspire and broaden our understanding of life and lose ourselves in it while jamming and getting in a creative state of mind.

This is HEDRA.

Maischak - Dirks - Wiertel
