Forced To Kill

Forced To Kill

Release von Luzidity

: 01.07.2022
Produktion: Colour Radio
Label: S.P.A.M. Indie Records

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Our new 9 track release will soon be available on CD.
Until then, check it out on your favorite streaming service!
LUZIDITY   hail   from   Cologne,   Germany,   evoking   not   only   your   worst   inner   demons   and
terrifying nightmares, but also mirroring modern humanity's catastrophic total failures: war
and terror inspired lyrics about oppressive dystopies, even reaching out to outworldly, alien
horrors, simply put: apocalypse beyond imagination.
Crafting   a   sophisticated   blend   of   Death,   Thrash   and   Black   Metal,   LUZIDITY's   music   is
relentlessly   fast,   yet   atmospheric   and   still   keeping   a   fine   old-school   vibe.
