The True Nature

The True Nature

Release von Merge all Meridians

: 01.10.2020
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

  1. A New Form of Cognition (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  2. Abomination (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  3. Effigy of Cosmic Artistry (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  4. Feed on Disdain (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  5. I Wield the Tide (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  6. Immanent Ascension (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  7. It Proves Fallacious (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  8. Oracular Design (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  9. Soul's Hollow (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  10. The Eyeless Oracle (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  11. The Fabric of Reality (The True Nature, )Kommentar
  12. Way Beyond Infinity (The True Nature, )Kommentar
