Bark (double ep)

Bark (double ep)

Release von The Autumn Sighs

: 25.10.2022
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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With Bark, The Autumn Sighs are now coming out of cover with their first long-player in the form of a Double EP. The sound on the branches EP (2016) evolved more and more, up to the spherical green EP (2017), which was released by dreamsneverend records. The Bark EP's now manage to enclose the previous EP's and at the same time they create something new. The album is characterised by fuzzy, melancholic songs outside the 5 minutes, that slowly unfold and spread out like the crown of a tree. The drums for ‘inside’ were played by Denis, while the rest of the album was created with Felix on drums. The lyrics, as well as the gentle and flowing harmonies of Katha, delicately complete the swirling guitar sound of Ulrik.
The entire album was recorded by Ulrik and mixed and mastered by Florian Malicke at hardboiled wonderland.
The result is definitely worth listening to and also corresponds to the uniqueness of the songs, that Del Chaney (formerly primalmusicblog) has already emphasised about the last two EP’s.

To embellish the 1:10h album Bark, The Autumn Sighs collaborate with the stop-motion artist Marcus Grysczok (hypertrashwonderland) to realise three videos of their album with the story of ‘Jolanda and the red bag’ so have a good look…
