Frankensnyder Frankensnyder

Singer sucht Band

10999 Berlin

Anzeige von Frankensnyder Frankensnyder (Sänger, Gitarrist, Songwriter, Komponist, Texter, Producer, Soundtechniker bei CoolCatCrazy und Bassist, Producer, Sänger, Gitarrist, Texter, Komponist, Songwriter, Synthesizerspieler, Keyboarder, Xylophonist, Percussionist, Soundtechniker bei Frankensnyder), veröffentlicht am 11. April 2024


Rubrik: Sänger, Texter, Komponist, Songwriter sucht Band
Genre: Rock, Metal, Alternative/Independent, Funk
Anspruch: Ambitioniert, Semiprofessionell, Hauptberuf
Skill: Fortgeschritten, Erfahren, Sehr erfahren, Profi
Songmaterial: vorhanden
Proberaum: vorhanden
Kontaktaufnahme Kontaktaufnahme


Male singer is looking for band with original material, my influences are Nine Inch Nails, Alice in Chains, Peppers, White Zombie, Soundgarden, Son of Slam, 90's Rock in generell, Bon Scott AC/DC, many more.

Hard stuff yes, but no metalcore, no rap and modern screamo stuff, this is boring, everybody is doing that and all sound the same. Please no beginners and basement junkies, rather guys who have a real vision .

I am rather into melodies, originality and versatility, strong songs, some screaming, more shouting, yelling, vocal fry technic etc. I am a bariton, with well low and well high range and dynamic. Meaningful poetry rather then dumb shit.

I will commute when there is a awesome bunch of musicians/characters and songs, goals, commitement and love for the music.


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Musikalischer Werdegang

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