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Shibari, Wretched Excess

experimental, psychedelia rock aus Berlin

I've been rockin' in the free world since I was 15. I've played in a lot of noise bands in California, and toured the Bay Area. I like to write lyrics about horrible things that have happened to (...)


the beach boys slowdive king crimson yes xiu xiu melvins shellac krautrock king gizzard and the lizard wizard

Gale Weathers

Fabulous Indie Pop aus Pulheim

"Gale Weathers" ist mein musikalischer Drag Charakter. Als Gale Weathers brauche ich mich an keine Regeln halten und muss auch nichts beschönigen: Das Ziel ist es, mein Inneres für einen Moment (...)


cigarettes after sex xiu xiu

J. Krawietz

Electrorock, Weirdo Pop aus Berlin

The story of J. Krawietz (1981, Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is about frets and styles, search and matches. In 2009, after more than a decade playing in different bands he started writing songs where (...)


xiu xiu lcd soundsystem